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Leading Yourself First

As I went for a run a couple of weeks ago, the blooming jasmine flowers were replaced by the smell of sawdust. The construction I usually hear from the apartment next door was replaced by stores being boarded up. And the people normally waiting to cross the street at Beverly Blvd. and La Cienega in Los Angeles were replaced by National Guard with assault rifles and armored vehicles.

Our country has been completely turned upside down. A global pandemic, devastating unemployment, and centuries of systemic oppression rising to the surface have created a world of unprecedented uncertainty. One of the toughest parts of uncertainty is that it can create paralyzing inaction, which was something I was feeling a bit of. While I have dozens of friends of color, dated women of color, and spent several years working with kids from some of Milwaukee’s toughest neighborhoods, I will never truly understand their experience. So I reached out to one of my friends on the fourth day of protests in Los Angeles and asked, “What can I do to support?” His response was, “Keep being you.” I was immediately reminded of the single most important leadership skill that we all can practice to create impact — whether within your community, family, or organization.

Leading yourself first.

Why is this so important? We have special cells in our brains called mirror neurons whose role is to imitate the behaviors and even emotions of the people in their environment. Many times this is done unconsciously. Have you ever been around someone so much you start to use phrases they do?  Or you’re around someone anxious and it causes you to be anxious? That’s mirroring in action.

It’s why you’ve heard the phrases:

•   Lead by example

•   Actions speak louder than words

•   Be a role model

•   Be the change you wish to see in the world.

These are all backed up by neuroscience.

Whether you are facing turmoil in your community or navigating the uncertainty of leading your organization into the next era, it starts with leading yourself.  Your people are watching. And part of leading yourself is cultivating your own resilience to show up as the best version of yourself for those that you love and lead.

Resilient individuals create resilient organizations.

This is why I created a free digital course called 60 Second Resilience to help leaders bounce back from adversity. In it you’ll learn a process that was born out of a period of my life navigating the heroin-like withdrawal symptoms of an anti-depressant medication while at the same time trying to lead an organization. It’s not easy. It’s not a cure-all. And it’s definitely not for everyone. But I know the mindsets, exercises, and strategies in this course will help you cultivate the resilience needed to weather the storm and lead the way forward.

Free Access For Healthcare Workers


Bridging his background in basketball leadership and performance — training some of basketball’s 1% — with mindfulness and emotional intelligence, Mike helps high-performing leaders master the psychology needed to lead and perform in a 2020 world. His main areas of focus are leadership, performance, resilience and change.

To hire Mike for one of your events or for additional information please contact Kirsten Singleton.

Kirsten Singleton